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Tips to Make the Most Out of Remote Work

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we work. Working from Home has become the new normal. While some companies have resumed regular work at the office though with the recommended SOPs, others still have policies for partial or complete remote work, to limit physical contact at workplaces. 

Without the right approach working from home can soon become stressful and cause anxiety. It is important to adopt strategies that will help you stay productive.

Here are some of the ways you can make the most out of working from home.

  1. Set up a work environment

The first step to starting a productive work from home routine is to have a good work space. With kids and other family members in the house, it can get distracting. So dedicate a relatively peaceful corner in the house for your work space. Set up your desk and bring out your stationery supplies to keep you on track. Create an environment that works best for you. If you miss the office sounds you can put on a workplace track or white noise tracks available online.

While you work from home, make sure you have all the tools you need to be efficient and productive. Keep your phone charger and water bottle close by.

  1. Communication

One of the most important factors when working from home is good communication. Make sure you have the right setup to stay in touch with your team. Lack of communication can impede work and cause problems. Keep all lines of communication open so you do not feel isolated at home.

  1. Establish boundaries

Working from home does not mean you have no routine. An important way to keep you motivated is to act just like you would when going to the office. For example, get dressed for work instead of sitting in your pajamas. 

You should also establish boundaries with your family members so they do not disturb you while you are working. You can designate sections of time during your day for work if that’s more convenient. Also make sure to have a routine to unplug from work. For example a quick workout or afternoon tea time. 

  1. Dealing with Isolation

With the sudden shift to working from home, people can struggle with adjusting to change. If you’ve never worked from home before, it can be a little daunting trying to adapt to a new working style. And despite virtual communication, many people can feel isolated and distanced. And if you’ve been working from home for a long time, the feeling of isolation can add up.

It is important for companies to be more accommodating and considerate while their employees adjust to the change. Make sure you stay in touch with your managers and colleagues. You should continue office traditions online like casual chat and wishing birthdays etc.

  1. Stay motivated

While it’s fun to work from home for a short period, not knowing when you can go back to your office and meet your colleagues can be stressful. Moreover, the constant news cycle and worrying about the future can put a strain on you.

It’s important to keep your spirits up during this time. Make sure you keep positive habits and schedule time to destress. Take time to exercise, meditate, talk to your loved ones, or anything that helps you feel more positive.

Tell us in the comments what keeps you productive when working from home. 

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