In the brand new Help Economy inside the Ascension Exchange, we are always compensated for our skills, knowledge, time, and a Go-Giver heart-centric approach to doing business.

Let’s be honest with one another. Many of us are finding that transacting out in the world today is discouraging. Many people we meet seem to be getting rewarded and growing financially, who quite honestly are not the best of people and really are not providing a product or service of value.

Then there is you, a hard-working woman who has a product or service that can truly help someone. But, you may be struggling every day to sell or make ends meet financially.

We decided enough is enough! We set out to create a Help Economy where we are all equally valued and dedicated to one another’s success.

Here, not only can you earn money by selling your products and goods to others who will appreciate them, but you can also earn money by investing in yourself and helping others.

Here are some amazing ways you can earn money within the Help Economy to spend on everyday things you need and are currently buying outside of the network.

  • Visit the wish list section often in the categories you can add value to. Provide the product, service, or give your knowledge or time and earn Ascension Coins
  • Attend weekly events and learn valuable information that can help you grow personally and professionally and earn Ascension Coins.
  • Successfully transact with another member and receive compensation outside of the price of your product or service.
  • Give constructive peer mentorship feedback on the product or service you purchased and earn Ascension Coins.
  • Attend social events where you will meet amazing women like you from all over the world to open your circle of influence and earn Ascension Coins.
  • Pay for your monthly membership and get a portion of it deposited into your wallet in Ascension Coins.

Use your free time to do things for your fellow Ascension Exchange members who live in your neighborhood or city to earn Ascension Coins. This can include things like housesitting, dog walking, babysitting, driving a child to school, or any other things they post in the community they need.

As you can see we are dedicated to making a difference in our own lives by developing socially, personally, and professionally. But at the same time the more we share our skills, knowledge, and time within the community to help others, the more we can get compensated.

The more time and effort you put into yourself and the community the more you can earn to buy the things you need personally and professionally.