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How Do You Start a Conversation? With an Engaging Question!

How would you like to have a great conversation with everyone you meet? 

The secret to connecting with others and engaging in interesting conversation lies often in asking the right questions.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re at a party or speaking to a potential investor or fellow entrepreneurs, asking questions can invite people to open up and allow for a free exchange of ideas.

So when you’re at the next networking event, be sure to try these questions to spark a conversation you’ll remember! 

  1. What’s your story? 

Not everyone can have great conversations. You either have it or you don’t. WRONG!

Anyone can start a good conversation. You just need to begin with a good question.

So the next time you meet someone new, ask them about their story. It’s good for opening a conversation and can lead to an interesting conversation. It’s much more interesting than the old “what do you do?”

This question can invite a person to open up and share something exciting with you. Then you can take up from there. 

  1. What has been the highlight of your day?

Attending social and network events can be very stressful if you get trapped in small talk. But not if you can have deeper, more meaningful conversation.

What’s one thing you can do to have better conversations instead of small talk? Be Curious! Yes, that’s right. Psychologists believe that curious people are better at attracting others and making them feel comfortable.

One way to display your curiosity is by asking questions. 

Asking people to describe the highlight of their day or week can lead to a far better conversation than were you to start with a simple “How are you?” 

It invites people to share a positive thing or event and allows the conversation to flow.

  1. Is there a charitable cause you support?

It’s easy to get sucked into talking about work at networking and social events. However, asking about the other person’s passions and interests outside of work can lead to an exciting conversation. 

When asking such questions make sure that they are open-ended. Your question should initiate a story about someone’s passion, journey, or dream. It can help you understand them better and they will connect with you on a deeper level. 

  1. What are you currently reading?

This can always be fun to talk about. One thing that all leaders do is read great books. When you’re at the next big event ask people about what they are reading and share what you read with them. This will spark conversation on interesting topics and help get you some recommendations for your next read.

When asking questions make sure you choose positive questions and avoid any potentially negative topics. It’s good to stay away from political or religious questions as that can frequently lead to unpleasant conversation. You want to make sure you keep the focus on positive things and invite the other person to talk about something that makes them happy.

  1. What’s the most important thing I should know about you?

When starting a conversation, make sure the other person feels important. Make sure they know you’re interested in listening to their story. By showing your interest and a curiosity to learn will always make a positive first impression.

This type of question allows the other person to reveal something interesting and invites deeper connection. 

Feel free to share below if you have any ideas on starting better conversations and share your answers to the questions above. 

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